Small Change Can Save Lives

The holiday season is finally here. Some call it the most wonderful season of all. That’s because we associate it with family traditions and gatherings with friends and loved ones. It’s a time of giving and spreading joy.

Giving back also signifies many good things right here in our community and why it’s so important to spread the good as far as we can, especially to the most vulnerable in our local area. 0964321010222/42426

When you are a member of Peninsula Light Company, you help us spread the good throughout the year. Your donations to our Project Help program, benefit local families and individuals in need by providing financial assistance with their energy bills.

When you “round up” your monthly bill from PenLight and donate to this fund, you’re making a big difference in someone’s life. You are you helping to meet an immediate, critical need, but just as importantly, you are telling this person the community cares.

Over the years, Project Help has enabled families in need to keep on the lights and heat. To date, with your help, we’ve given hundreds of thousands of dollars back to local families and individuals through this program. Across the country, more than 350 electric co-ops have energy assistance Round Up programs, and together, we’ve raised millions for local communities. This shows that small donations from electric co-ops like ours, over time, can collectively make a big impact.

As a local cooperative, we have a stake in this community. It’s why we support local organizations like Food Backpacks 4 Kids, KeyPen Community Services, Mustard Seed Program, Children’s Home Society of Washington, Communities in Schools, and many more. We hope you will think of PenLight as more than your energy provider, but also as a catalyst for good in our community. We hope all our members have a joyous holiday season. May it be merry and bright!

To learn more about Project Help, visit the Peninsula Light Company website or the bill insert included within. 1212200820027/61443