PLC Team Meets Tessie!

3 women standing in front of a white Tesla Model S Last year, PenLight held its first member-education workshop on electric vehicles. PenLight member Kit shared her positive experiences as an EV owner and answered questions about charging and maintaining her Tesla Model S.

“Tessie” is Kit’s second Tesla. An early adopter of EVs, Kit put a deposit down for her first Tesla before the car was even built and received it in 2013.

Kit says she loves driving her Tesla and is quick to share her favorite charging locations and trip experiences with anyone interested in EVs so they become familiar with available options and features. Her enthusiasm is contagious. When we reached out to her, she offered her time and took our team for a ride.

interior of Tesla Model SWe’ll see Kit and Tessie at the next PenLight member event, and we’re sure you will love talking with her just as much as we did.

Is an electric vehicle right for you? Check out to learn more about the benefits of electric vehicles.