PenLight Employees Come Together to Spread Holiday Cheer

man giving check to army

In light of a difficult year, PenLight staff wanted to ensure the community had a shining holiday season, so they initiated three donation drives and set up collection boxes in the PenLight lobby.

teddy bear and presentAlthough most of the workforce is telecommuting, and the drives were closed to the public, PenLight staff gathered an impressive amount of donations for FISH Food Bank, cans of soup for Food Backpacks4Kids, and toys for the Chamber of Commerce’s partnership with Santa’s Castle. Within a few weeks, multiple trips to donation drop-off locations were needed. Despite the circumstances, the holiday spirit couldn’t help but shine through.

The Chamber of Commerce organizes a community-wide toy drive for Santa’s Castle every year. The organization distributes toys and gifts to the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserve families. Chaplains and commanders choose the recipients, giving them emotional and financial relief around the holidays. In 2019, Santa’s Castle helped 2,571 children from 1,183 families by donating $209,919.50 in toys, books, games, bikes, and stocking stuffers.

PenLight is proud to provide to such wonderful organizations and is grateful to the other community partners and contributors.