Annual Meeting Announcement

At PenLight, your vote matters. Each year, as part of a memberowned cooperative, you have the opportunity to vote in the Board of Directors election and attend the annual meeting, where we announce election results for 3 open seats. PenLight is governed by our members, and those who are elected to the Board of Directors are fellow members who represent you and your voice in how your electric utility is run. Ballots were mailed to PenLight members at the end of March and should be returned in the provided postage-paid envelopes before the end of business on Monday, April 24, 2023. The annual meeting is Monday, May 1, 5:30 p.m. via teleconference. Find more Information via public notice, on and through our social media pages.

A Q&A session will conclude the meeting after the annual treasurer’s report. If you have any questions, contact Britni Wickens, PR Manager at (253) 857-1567. 1021510279802